2012 aastal avaldatud teadusartiklid


  • Englas, K., Eelmae P. (2012) An educative programme organized to implement FIM®-instrument in rehabilitation hospital settings for team-based usage and PT role in the process. 3rd European Congress on Physiotherapy. Advancing the Professional Profile – Continuing Professional Development to promote Evidence Based Physiotherapy.  World Confederation for Physical Therapy European Region. Vien, Austria:, 2012, pp 118 (electronic publication). http://congress2012.physioaustria.at/sites/congress2012.physioaustria.at/files/documents/EDUCON%20Abstracts.pdf
  • Eelmae, N. Popov, P. Rebelo, J. van Wijchen, L. Zebitz, L. Noronen (2012) Physiotherapy students’ motivation and satisfaction with international intensive course focused on teaching physiotherapeutic assessment in clinical settings at 2009-2011. 3rd European Congress on Physiotherapy. Advancing the Professional Profile – Continuing Professional Development to promote Evidence Based Physiotherapy. World Confederation for Physical Therapy European Region. Vien, Austria:, 2012, pp 57 (electronic publication). http://congress2012.physioaustria.at/sites/congress2012.physioaustria.at/files/documents/EDUCON%20Abstracts.pdf
  • Eelmae, P.; Pakkanen, M.; Englas, K. (2012). Cost effectiveness, length of stay and outcome of inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic spinal cord injured patients. In: 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society – Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Management: ISCOS 2012 – 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society, London, UK, 3-5 september 2012. (Toim.) McClelland, M.. London, UK:, 2012, 207.
  • Alvela, M.; Pintson, M.; Englas, K.; Kruus, Ü.; Eelmae, P. (2012). Improvement of hemiplegic patient’sgait pattern over 8-month period ater plantarflexors faciotomy. A case study. In: 21st Annual Meeting of ESMAC. Congress programme.: 21st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children, Stockholm,13-15 september 2012. (Toim.) J. Harlaar. Stockholm, Rootsi:, 2012, 166 – 166.
  • Tuulik, Varje-Riin; Übner, Monika; Vare, Talis; Tuulik, Viiu (2012). Centre of Excellence in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation: an interdisciplinary co-work in balneology in Estonia. In: MR Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitativa: 9th Mediterranean Congress of PRM Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Sorrento, 21-25 October 2012. Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2012, (2-3), 125.
  • Alvela, M., Pintson, M., Kruus, Ü., Englas, K., Eelmäe, P. (2012) Fastsiotoomia järgse füsioterapeutilise sekkumise hindamine kõnnimustri korrigeerimiseks, kasutades 3D kliinilist kõnnialüüsi: juhtumianalüüs. Eesti Füsioterapeutide II aastakonverents Tartu, 25. mai. 2012. Eesti Füsioterapeutide Liit.