Articles published in 2016

  • Englas, K.; Mõim, R.; Eelmäe, P. (2016). Piloting work-oriented rehabilitation programs. HNRC’s experience from 2011-2013. 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference – BaSCoS 2016: 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference BaSCoS 2016, Haapsalu, 19-21 May 2016. Ed. Toomas Asser, Alvydas Juoceviçus, Anda Nulle, Priit Eelmäe. Haapsalu: Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre, 21−22.
  • Kukk, A.; Kabel, V.; Pakkanen, M.; Eelmäe, P. (2016). Five years’ experience (2011-2015) using FIM® instrument as a team based outcome measure for SCI persons in Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre. 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference – BaSCoS 2016: 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference BaSCoS 2016, Haapsalu, 19-21 May 2016. Ed. Toomas Asser, Alvydas Juoceviçus, Anda Nulle, Priit Eelmäe. Haapsalu: Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre, 31−32.
  • Eelmäe, P.; Sabre, L.; Asser, T. (2016). Epidemiological profile and management of traumatic SCI in Estonia. 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference – BaSCoS 2016: 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference BaSCoS 2016, Haapsalu, 19-21 May 2016. Ed. Toomas Asser, Alvydas Juoceviçus, Anda Nulle, Priit Eelmäe. Haapsalu: Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre, 11−12.
  • Mõim, R.; Vanem, O.; Ööpik, M-L.; Eelmäe, P. (2016). Current possibilities of physiotherapy for individuals with spinal cord injury in Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre. 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference – BaSCoS 2016: 7th Baltic Spinal Cord Society Conference BaSCoS 2016, Haapsalu, 19-21 May 2016. Ed. Toomas Asser, Alvydas Juoceviçus, Anda Nulle, Priit Eelmäe. Haapsalu: Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre, 36−37.
  • Bergmann, M.; Alvela, M.; Eelmäe, P.; Vahtrik, D.; Gapeyeva, H. (2016). Effect of kinetic return ankle foot orthosis in patient with incomplete spinal cord injury: changes of the gait pattern. A case report. Baltic Journal of Sports and Health Sciences, 2 (101), 8−16.

Articles published in 2015

  • Tint, P.; Tuulik, V.-R.; Tuulik, V.; Vare, T. (2015). The measurement of musculoskeletal overuse syndrome of industrial workers and prevention possibilities. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene (8). Oxford University Press.
  • Tuulik, V.R.; Pille, V.; Tamm, M.; Tuulik, V.; Tint, P.; Tilk, M.; Saarik, S.; Vare, T. (2015). The effect of outpatient mud and spa-therapies on the tissue perfusion measured with laser Doppler in work related upper extremities overuse syndromes. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Hydrologia Medica, 30(2), 193 – 204.
  • Pille, V.; Tuulik, V.-R.; Saarik, S.; Tint, P.; Vare, T.; Sepper, R. (2015). Work-related musculoskeletal symptoms in industrial workers and the effect of balneotherapy. Agronomy Research, 13(3), 820 – 828.

Articles published in 2014

  • Kapanen, G.; Terasmaa, J.; Marzecova, A.; Rautam, S. (2014). A comparative geochemical characterization of curative mud in major Estonian deposits. Bonomo L., Careghini A., Mastorgio A., Saporano S., Sezenna E. (Toim.). Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM). Ferrara, Italy, September 17-19. (90 – 90). Ferrara, Italy: Ferrara Fiere Congressi, Politecnico di Milano – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;
  • Übner, Monika; Õun, Kandela; Mägi, Merle (2014). Effect of different 6-day spa therapy courses on the quality of life in the knee osteoarthritis treatment. In: 39th World Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH) “Responses of human body to stimuli from nature”: May 11-14, 2014 Kyoto, Japan. The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine, 2014, 120 – 121.

Articles published in 2013

  • Ööpik, M.-L., Englas, K., Kabel, V., Klement, K., Kruus, Ü., Mõim, R., Oberg, J., Pakkanen, M., Peedimaa, M.-L., Vanem, O., Eelmäe, P. (2013) Seven month experience incorporating Locomat into daily clinical practice – Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre’s example. International Neurorehabilitation Symposiom. INRS 2013: Driving Innovation in Neurorehabilitation. Zurich, Switzerland, September 11-13 2013. Publitseeritud teesid konverentsi elektroonilises väljaandes
  • Rüütel, E., Vinkel, I., Eelmäe, P. (2013) Implementation of vibroacustic method in treatment of spasticity in patients with spinal cord and brain injuries: a pilot study. 8th Congress of Baltic Association for Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation in Baltic States 2020: Policy and Practice. Riga 18-19 September. Publitseeritud teesid konverentsi elektroonilises väljaandes.
  • Pintson, M., Alvela, M., Kruus, Ü., Englas, K., Eelmäe, P. (2013) “Spastilise hemipareesiga laste kõnnimuster vähemalt poole aasta ToeOFF® ortoosi kasutamise järgselt – head ja vead” Eesti Füsioterapeutide III aastakonverents Tartu, 17. mai. 2013. Eesti Füsioterapeutide Liit, lk 14.
  • Klement, K., Eelmäe, P., Englas, K. (2013) Motoorika hindamine Touwen’i testiga 7-9-aastastel lastel. Eesti Füsioterapeutide III aastakonverents 2013. Eesti Füsioterapeutide Liit. Tartu, 17. mai. lk 8.
  • Übner, M. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF COASTAL LAGOON SEDIMENTS FROM ESTONIA AND GOTLAND. Organic geochemistry: trends for the 21st century. Book of Abstracts of the Comunications presented to the 26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry Costa Adeje, Tenerife – Spain. September 15-20, 2013. Eds. J.A. González-Pérez, F.J. González-Vila, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo and G. Almendros. Vol 2, pp 438-439.
  • Tuulik, V.-R., Tuulik, V., Tamm, M. , Pille V., Vare, T, Tint, P., Saarik, S.(2013). Laser-Doppler Perfusion Monitoring and Myotonometry as a Objective Methods to Test the Effect of the of the Physical and Balneological Agents on the Musculoskeletal Overuse Syndroms on Industry Workers“ : Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Volume 45, Issue 9, Baltic and North Sea Forum on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine DOI: 10.2340/16501977-1223

Articles published in 2012

  • Englas, K., Eelmae P. (2012) An educative programme organized to implement FIM®-instrument in rehabilitation hospital settings for team-based usage and PT role in the process. 3rd European Congress on Physiotherapy. Advancing the Professional Profile – Continuing Professional Development to promote Evidence Based Physiotherapy.  World Confederation for Physical Therapy European Region. Vien, Austria:, 2012, pp 118 (electronic publication).
  • Eelmae, N. Popov, P. Rebelo, J. van Wijchen, L. Zebitz, L. Noronen (2012) Physiotherapy students’ motivation and satisfaction with international intensive course focused on teaching physiotherapeutic assessment in clinical settings at 2009-2011. 3rd European Congress on Physiotherapy. Advancing the Professional Profile – Continuing Professional Development to promote Evidence Based Physiotherapy. World Confederation for Physical Therapy European Region. Vien, Austria:, 2012, pp 57 (electronic publication).
  • Eelmae, P.; Pakkanen, M.; Englas, K. (2012). Cost effectiveness, length of stay and outcome of inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic spinal cord injured patients. In: 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society – Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Management: ISCOS 2012 – 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society, London, UK, 3-5 september 2012. (Toim.) McClelland, M.. London, UK:, 2012, 207.
  • Alvela, M.; Pintson, M.; Englas, K.; Kruus, Ü.; Eelmae, P. (2012). Improvement of hemiplegic patient’sgait pattern over 8-month period ater plantarflexors faciotomy. A case study. In: 21st Annual Meeting of ESMAC. Congress programme.: 21st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children, Stockholm,13-15 september 2012. (Toim.) J. Harlaar. Stockholm, Rootsi:, 2012, 166 – 166.
  • Tuulik, Varje-Riin; Übner, Monika; Vare, Talis; Tuulik, Viiu (2012). Centre of Excellence in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation: an interdisciplinary co-work in balneology in Estonia. In: MR Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitativa: 9th Mediterranean Congress of PRM Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Sorrento, 21-25 October 2012. Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2012, (2-3), 125.
  • Alvela, M., Pintson, M., Kruus, Ü., Englas, K., Eelmäe, P. (2012) Fastsiotoomia järgse füsioterapeutilise sekkumise hindamine kõnnimustri korrigeerimiseks, kasutades 3D kliinilist kõnnialüüsi: juhtumianalüüs. Eesti Füsioterapeutide II aastakonverents Tartu, 25. mai. 2012. Eesti Füsioterapeutide Liit.